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Буксир. трос Skoda

Буксир. трос Skoda

There are many types of ropes.
With this rope from ŠKODA Original Accessories you can be assured that you will manage to tow the car all the way to your destination.
The flexibility of this elastic towing rope facilitates towing of an immobile car by minimizing the impacts caused by equalizing the speeds of both the towing and towed car.
The rope is made of a quality material and with its strength properties and anchorage it is fully fit to tow your Fabia.
The practical case protects the car from getting dirty and the rope from damage.
Product details: Length: 5 m Diameter: 12 mm Maximum weight of the towed car: 1800 kg Strength: 27.5 kN Designed for cars: Fabia Fabia Combi

Артикул GAA093009

Категория Буксировочные тросы