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Набор наклеек Opel OPC

Набор наклеек Opel OPC

Sticker made from soft PVC film, gloss white.
Details: coating material: silicone-covered card, coated on one side, 135 g/m². adhesive: polyacrylate, permanent adhesion, transparent applications: suitable for outdoor use thickness: 0.100 mm. shape retention: affixed to steel temperature resistance: affixed to aluminium, -40 °C to +80 °C fire behaviour: affixed to steel, self-extinguishing adhesive force: FINAT TM 1, after 24 hrs, stainless steel; 16 N/25 mm tear strength : DIN EN ISO 527 elongation at yield: DIN EN ISO 527 shelf life: 2 years minimum adhesion temperature: > +10 °C

Артикул 10227

Категория Значки, булавки, нашивки, наклейки